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+27 83 407 7157


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Mon - Sat: 8AM - 5PM

At Lorraine’s Aesthetic Skin Care, we value the satisfaction of our clients above all else and will always balance the most cost effective solutions and the best results.

Although the basic range of treatments are listed here, the full range and the techniques are not. These are Lorraine’s secrets which deliver the best possible results at the best cost. We hold those secrets dear because that is what makes Lorraine an industry leader.

Consultation / Skin Analysis

Discuss treatment options, current regime, skin problems and concerns, contraindications and home care.

LA Power Facial

Cleanse, Dermaplane, exfoliate extract, peel, deep hydrating facial, infused with Oxygen and rejuvenate with LED, Brow Tint and Shape.

Extractions / High Frequency

Cleanse, extractions, high frequency and aftercare. Perfect for teen breakouts or emergency breakouts. Skin is cleansed, purified and given high frequency to speed up healing.

Express Facial

Mini facial/teen facial Cleanse, exfoliate, extractions with masque.

Microdermabrasion Facial

Is a minimally invasive procedure used to renew overall skin tone and texture. It’s a procedure that exfoliates and removes the superficial layer of dry dead skin cells. Buff and polish the skin using a variable flow of vacuum suction to maintain contact with the skin whilst the crystals get to work by smoothing the skin’s surface.

Hydro Microdermabrasion

Is a crystal free method to the microdermabrasion process. Utilizing water jets, the outer layer of the skin will be broken up. Water molecules burst into a high-oxygen water molecule. This will reveal a smoother, more even texture of the skin and increases oxygen in the blood.

Chemical Peel

Peel of choice according to skin type and need as well as desired effect by client (range from mild to severe with flaking). Addresses concerns for pigmentation, scarring, lines and wrinkles. Adjusted according to strength and depth for client.

LED Therapy mask

This treatment uses varying wavelengths of light to trigger the skin’s natural healing processes for self-repair. NASA originally developed LED lights for plant growth experiments in space. Since then, LED therapy has shown promising result in wound healing and human tissue growth. An add-on to any skin treatment, enhancing results and stimulating collagen/elastin production.


Removes dead skin cells and vellus hair (peach fuzz) with a sterile blade. This procedure produces an immediately more radiant appearance. Following this treatment, makeup application is smoother and skin products penetrate deeper making them more effective.

VPL Hair Removal

It is the latest technology on the market and clinically proven in the removal of unwanted hair. It makes use of variable pulses of light to effectively remove unwanted hair safely and easily with minimum discomfort. It minimizes discomfort by allowing the skin to cool down during each shot.

MesoJet Needle-Free Injections

This new device allows penetration and drug delivery via an ultra-fine stream of liquid – which is seven times smaller than the smallest needle. Needle-free injectors are the most advanced devices on the market with technology that combines speed, accurate dosage and volume adjustability to produce a highly efficient method of drug delivery. Skin care products are effectively and efficiently administered for the maximum results.


Carboxy therapy is rapidly becoming know as the leading skin rejuvenation treatment. It is a safe, minimally invasive clinically proven method to rejuvenate, restore, and recondition the skin and treat loose skin. Involves injecting tiny amounts of Carbon dioxide (CO2) beneath the skin to break down fatty deposits and stimulate collagen production. Infuses CO2 just beneath the skin’s surface, the body interprets this as an oxygen deficit and responds by providing a surge of oxygen and nutrients to the treated area and improves circulation, resulting in cell restoration.


Cauterizing the incision seals off blood vessels, resulting in a cleaner operation that heals more easily. Removing of growths, moles, skin tags and cherry angiomas.

Energist VPL (Variable Pulsed Light) for skin imperfections

Offers a effective, safe and non-surgical treatment for many skin conditions often brought about by age or over-exposure to the sun. It is also very effective in reducing and controlling active acne, thread veins, spider naevi and cherry spots.


What is GFIT? Growth Factor Induced Therapy: The Topical Applications of AQ skin solutions after Aesthetic procedures. Growth factors are a group of proteins that stimulate the growth of specific tissues in the body. Growth factors play an important role in promoting cellular differentiation and cell division in the body! They are naturally found in the body, produced by the fibroblast which is a structure found in the skin, and production unfortunately declines with age, sickness, lifestyle etc.